



火币(HTX )






2022-12-14 00:27:26 2904




Screenshot via the report

Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. economy has been downgraded, income has plummeted, and the number of unemployed people has surged, resulting in a continuous rise in the number of homeless people. There are approximately 580,000 homeless people in the U.S. in 2020, an increase of 2.2% from 2019 (567,700), according to data released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Nearly 1,500 unhoused people died on the streets of Los Angeles between March 2020 and July 2021, according to a new report by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers, The Hill reported on December 1.




Researchers analyzed nearly 1,500 homeless deaths by place of death, age, gender, race and other dimensions, the report said. However, the report says the true death toll is likely to be much higher, because homeless people who die in hospitals, shelters or cars were not counted.

Over 35% of such unhoused deaths were at locations designated as sidewalks.

The average age at death for unhoused persons was 47 years old—significantly lower than LA County’s life expectancy of 82 years.

Black unhoused persons accounted for 25% of all unhoused deaths, while only 8% of LA County’s population is Black.

Nearly half of all unhoused deaths were attributed by the coroner to an accidental manner of death, with less than one-fifth attributed to a natural death.

For unhoused accidental deaths, nearly 40% were attributed by the coroner to drug/alcohol overdose.


加州大学洛杉矶分校拉斯金不平等和民主研究所主任阿南亚·罗伊 (Ananya Roy)表示,如果这样的现象出现在世界上任何其他地方,美国人都会对其嗤之以鼻,并认为这是一个极度贫困的地区,声称这是对人权的侵犯,是霸凌政权欺压人民的表现。通过对这些数据和现象的研究,美国社会才能更深刻地认识到真实存在的极度贫困现象,以及社会抛弃低收入人民的现象。

此外,无家可归者权利组织“洛杉矶街头观察” (Street Watch LA)的组织者克洛伊·罗森斯托克(Chloe Rosenstock)表示,当有人在户外或人行道上死去时,这就意味着这个国家是失败的,而且很多死亡悲剧本身是可以避免的。

Ananya Roy, director of the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy, which produced the report, said the young age of death was particularly disturbing: "If we were to see this metric in any other part of the world, we would dismiss that place as one of great poverty, as a violator of human rights, as a predatory government that exploits its people. We’ve got to get serious about using that metric to understand the levels of impoverishment and abandonment here in the US."

"When people are passing away outdoors and on the sidewalks, that is a failure of the state," said Chloe Rosenstock, co-author of the report and an organizer with Street Watch LA, an advocacy group for the unhoused.

The most of deaths were not from "natural" causes and were preventable, she stressed.

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